martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Itinerary about my studies and future job

Itinerary about my studies and future job

I think about my future. After of the secunadary i want estudy a mediun grade of the business administration and getion in Olot, Bosc de la Coma. Afte thatr of the a mediun grade  i want study a top grade of the business administration and getion Olot, Bosc de la Coma. I believe a work in a restaurant as waiter. I would like to go univesity for study direction companies I think in the future I will have my business.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016

Story Questions

Story Questions
What does the word evidence mean as used in the passage?
a. argument

What does a volcanic eruption depend on?

It depends on the pressure of the magma against the surface above it.

Which paragraph helps answer the previous question?
first paragraph

Which of the following statements is a fact about volcanoes?
The temperature inside a volcano is warm

Weather forecast

Wearher be like ugly tomorrow. Will be very cloud today at night it snowed in Olot.

Natural Dissaster Vocabulary

Survivor: supervivent
Flood: inundació
Segle: segur
Strike: colpejar
Injure : ferir
Eartquake: terratrèmol
Trapped: atrapat
Collapsed: col-lapsa
Volcanic eruption : erupció volcànica
Landslides: llavisades
Mu: fang
Rocks: roques
Dangerous: perillos
Ash: cendre
Warns: avisar
Predict: predicat
Volcaneos: volca